Samstag, 3. März 2012

MIFManager - Muse IFrame Manager

A simple IFrame Manager!

I was recently looking for some sort of simple IFrame manager i could trust a customer with for a site made with adobe muse, for it beeing a static site initially! I wanted to give muse a go, since it looks promising and is for some static projects a great choice! So suddenly, right after the day the site launches the customer decides to want to be able to make some custom changes. So after it beeing stuck on the priorityC list for a while, i had the idea of a simple IFrame manager, which saves and uploads html and produces an IFrame source to simply embed in Muse or tools of its kind!

 MIFManager ( working title) is still in its alpha phase, but i wouldnt mind to get some feedback and testing in various setups! So when i find some time to complete it, i know what i should be focusing on!
If u have any feature requests, find bugs, cant set it up or anything else ... just leave a comment!

fix some issues with the editor
Backup system,
server sync for multible users,
direct FTP upload,
iframe attributes control,
find better html parser or write my own,
if ppl like it android/iphone/ipad  versions

I will make it open source once i cleaned up the code ^^

DOWNLOAD MIFManager alpha


Sonntag, 7. August 2011

Images with transparancy as a Simplebutton's hitTestState

I recently came across a problem regarding the hitTestState of a simpleButton. Which will not take the alpha channel into account when using png's or gif's with transparancy. I found some helper classes which address the problem, but they solve the problem by repressing the eventlisteners and adding their own which check every pixel under the mouse for transparancy. This causes the cursor to flicker when entering the simpleButton the first time.
So i wrote a getHitTestShape() function wich works realy well for me and i'd like to share with u guys!
As the function name already states, it takes the image used for the button and redraws it in a shape leaving transparent pixels blank. So without further ado, here my function:

function getHitTestShapebitmapData:BitmapData):Shape
s:Shape = new Shape();
inc:int 1;
xpos:int inc 2;
ypos:int inc 2;

            while ( 
ypos bitmapData.height )
                while ( 
xpos bitmapData.width )
pxl bitmapData.getPixel32(xpos,ypos);
alphaValue pxl >> 24 0xFF;
                    if ( 
alphaValue != )
                - (inc 2), ypos - (inc 2), incinc);
xpos +=  inc;
xpos inc 2;
ypos +=  inc;

Used on a simpleButton :

var testBTN:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton();
logo:Bitmap = new Bitmap(new abLogo(0,0));

// in this case abLogo is a png out of the libary

testBTN.upState logo; 

testBTN.downState logo; 
testBTN.overState logo;
testBTN.hitTestState getHitTestShape(logo.bitmapData);

in this case i draw every pixel, u can reduce the accuracy to 
what ever is appropriate for you by changeing var inc.
but i testet it with fairly big png's and the performance was fine,
hope this helps someone, drop me a line if it does ...